November 09, 2009


If customers feel that not being treated unfairly, then the relationship with the customer says in the trouble. They feel that others are treated better than him or old customers are not treated well with new customers and they do not know why so treated. This often happens and is usually not expected by the company. Customers in this position, usually ready to mengakiri relationship with the company. Customers who would move to another company, usually given a large piece so as not to move the competition, while existing customers who do not complain and do not fret not be cut, if knowing this, they will feel disappointed because they feel that as long as customers are loyal not given discount at all. They consider the company that customers clearly not true, but given a gift, given a discount for not leaving the company, while existing customers are loyal not gain anything and felt betrayed by the company. It is indeed difficult for the company's position and it is not easy to be monitored. Treatment can be seen if these disappointed customers complain, but if it does not make a complaint, all of a sudden they left the company. My experience taught me that customers who have long associated with the company and they have become loyal customers, then the pain of being betrayed by the company more deeply. When I have two international credit cards and I am a loyal customer. I'm shopping abroad and at home using the card and I have become a loyal customer for 7 years. I think the time is not short. But because I forgot to pay on the due date and the first time, I got a warning letter threatening and as if my people who are not responsible and can not pay these bills. I have paid for 7 years with proper time and never late is not used as customer loyalty by the company and I was treated as a new customer has a credit card. "What level of multinational companies that treat me like a valued customer and not thrown away with the words that I never expected?". Finally I decided to close my two credit cards at once, so I was not treated becomes worthless human being. And to find customers and require a very large business. I so far do not have a credit card again and not interested to have a credit card. I was approached by another company to have a credit card. I told them who came to fix his mistake and did not treat customers like treatment to me, unfair treatment, but rather treat customers fairly. Basic needs of the customer is treated fairly. Fairness is very close to the godly and take us to heaven.
learn more Supply Chain Management: The Basics and Beyond (Resource Management)

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